Techniques Sandplay Therapy Directed Sandplay Therapy Art Therapy Music Therapy Drama Therapy Psychodrama
Period Long-term Short-term / / / /
Issues - Trauma
  1. Choose the wet or dry sand tray
  1. Shape the sand, choose and place figures on the tray

  2. Client’s explanation(optional)

  3. Analyze the tray after the client leaves | Example: Self-harm through Cutting

  4. Introducing

  5. Sandtray sequence for exposing the client’s experiential process of cutting

  1. Sequence exposing the experiences that move the sad/bad and anxious one to cutting
  1. Sandplay sequence for resourcing the sad/bad one (or however described) with required qualities

  2. Sandplay: creating self-forgiveness sequence | 1. Introducing

  3. Giving a prompt to the client

  4. Start creating. therapists observe the procession and play some background music

  5. The client explain their creation and the therapist asks questions to the client | / | / | / |

Sandplay notes:

Art therapy modalities: